I’m a diehard new music bass clarinetist. I specialize in improvisatory music, but am willing to try just about anything. Check out some of the tracks below. Some are by me, and others are by good friends of mine.
This is a group improv at the university of louisville featuring myself, violinist Scott Moore and pianists Jeremy Podgursky and Christian Gentry. This is the improvisation that really kickstarted the creation of an improv ensemble at that school. Anyone who knows me or me music at all can hear the genesis of the player I’m trying to continue becoming in this work.
This is a short work for bass clarinet featuring fingered, hummed, and overblown multiphonics as a melodic theme. I never notated this one, it just kind of happened. While working at U of L one of the composers’ concerts was a little thin and the coordinator asked if I had anything to put on it – of course I said “Sure!” – even though I had no clue what I would do. I played around for a couple of days and this was the result.
This is the Digital Honkbox Revival’s take on Earle Brown’s classic Four Systems. Featured here are myself on BC, Stamos Martin on Cello, Bob Burke on percussion, and Andrew Cole on electronics.
This is a piece by Adam Hardin for bass clarinet and MAXMSP. Adam and I worked together to make a loose framework in certain sections, so the player can explore all of the possibilities of the programming. I play this piece a lot . . . because I like it.
A video from a live performance –
This was a piece I commissioned from my friend Shaun Crowdus. Its a quirky work and fun to play, but devilishly difficult.